Sondra Epley
| MENTOR PROFILEExpertise: Business Idea, Business Processes, Communications, Marketing

Summary of Qualifications
Sondra Epley is the Office Manager and a Certified Business Mentor for Richmond SCORE, which provides mentoring and workshops for small startup and established business clients. For the past seven years, she has also taught primarily graduate students online for a small, private college just outside of Minneapolis.
Sondra Epley works for Richmond SCORE, which provides mentoring and workshops for small business clients. As Office Manager, Sondra covers the logistic needs of nearly 50 chapter members and serves as a matchmaker, pairing more than 620 clients each year with mentors equipped to guide them. As a Certified Business Mentor herself, Sondra is partial to startups and “fixer uppers.”
Since April 2010, Sondra has also served as an online instructor for a small, private college just outside of Minneapolis. She teaches graduate student courses in community development, nonprofit management as part of an MBA degree program, and academic writing for evaluation and research.
A quick study herself, Sondra achieved a financial turnaround for a store that was eight months away from the chopping block, despite having no significant background in retail. The experience reinforced her belief not to wait for a better day, but to create it. This belief enables her to supply nimble advice to clients wondering which business to pursue, what to look out for, and how to say what they want to say when promoting it or training others to do the same.